
Exceeds Expectations….I’m going to give myself an aneurysm

So our annual reviews were posted yesterday, and I got an “Exceeds Expectations”….with no raise. I expected that, I make more than anyone else in my department. That’s not what is irritating. The irritating part is, based on their own reviews, I know a lot. To paraphrase, I can immediately identify underlying issues and come up with creative solutions. So…..can someone tell me why I consistently know more than the team lead? Today is day 2 after my team of 3 has been assimilated into another team of 4 and I have just decided to just….stop working. There’s no direction, no training, everything is “we’ll let you know”. Mind you, I know how to do this work, but I don’t know procedural things… an example one of the ladies from the bigger team called me this morning (we are friendly) and said “have they given you your exception spreadsheet yet?”…

So our annual reviews were posted yesterday, and I got an “Exceeds Expectations”….with no raise. I expected that, I make more than anyone else in my department. That’s not what is irritating.

The irritating part is, based on their own reviews, I know a lot. To paraphrase, I can immediately identify underlying issues and come up with creative solutions. So…..can someone tell me why I consistently know more than the team lead? Today is day 2 after my team of 3 has been assimilated into another team of 4 and I have just decided to just….stop working. There’s no direction, no training, everything is “we’ll let you know”.

Mind you, I know how to do this work, but I don’t know procedural things… an example one of the ladies from the bigger team called me this morning (we are friendly) and said “have they given you your exception spreadsheet yet?” I don’t even know what the exception spreadsheet is. There’s currently 4 people (myself, one of my old team members, 1 of the larger team members, and the new team lead) all working in the same project that could easily be done by one person…there’s no logic or work assignments, so every account I have looked at has already had someone else working it.

So I’m just letting go. It’s not like they’ll fire me, one of the members of the larger team has been with the company for 7 years, still messes up basic shit. I already have another job lined up and I had planned on working 2 jobs (they’re both remote) simultaneously, giving minimal effort to this one. I guess I can just start early.

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