
Experience of my first, but short-lived job

So I (18m) got my first job working at McDonalds about two months ago. I have autism. I am high functioning, but I easily get frazzled and start to panic when chaos ensures. I was looking forward to looking there. They sounded like nice people, and offered good flexibility. My first shift was watching videos on how to make desserts and basic cleaning. My boss told me that I had 4 more hours of videos to watch (6 in total), and I remember him saying that it was going to continue the following weekend. I. Was. Lied. To. When I first got there for my 2nd shift, he was busy unloading produce from a truck. I watched the videos on his laptop last time, and I asked him about videos. Instead of watching them, he basically tells me to move to the floor and that I'll get placed somewhere. I…

So I (18m) got my first job working at McDonalds about two months ago. I have autism. I am high functioning, but I easily get frazzled and start to panic when chaos ensures. I was looking forward to looking there. They sounded like nice people, and offered good flexibility.

My first shift was watching videos on how to make desserts and basic cleaning. My boss told me that I had 4 more hours of videos to watch (6 in total), and I remember him saying that it was going to continue the following weekend.

I. Was. Lied. To.

When I first got there for my 2nd shift, he was busy unloading produce from a truck. I watched the videos on his laptop last time, and I asked him about videos. Instead of watching them, he basically tells me to move to the floor and that I'll get placed somewhere. I ended up supervised on cash. I knew this was not going to be the end of it.

My 3rd shift went smoothly. There was no problems there, and I just kept getting supervised on cash.

Onto my final shift aka last weekend's shift (New Years Eve). I was “done” with training, and I was soloing cash very well. Now granted I had to ask my boss to look at a $100 bill (company policy) to see if it was fake and make menu modifications. was not trained on that even though I should have been. After 2 and a half hours on cash, I got moved onto taking orders. Again, I was never trained on that. I told the manager that. He made a comment along the lines of “Did they not train you?” I proceeded to get placed with someone who was patient and was explaining the layout of their menu software. That only happened for 30 minutes before I got moved to handing food out the window (trained on that also).

There was an order that came up that requested tea. I did not know where the tea was even though it was behind me so I asked my boss. He looks at me and says to my face “What? Are you new here?” He told me where it was. I was stunned by said comment. This is my 4th shift, and apparently he expected me to know where everything was? I had to ask a co-worker where the juice was because I knew he would be a dick to me. Thank god I had good co-workers.

Went home, asked mom and dad about their opinions, they told me it was an asshole comment. I partied with some buddies after my shift just to relax and not think about work. Enjoyed New Years Eve night, and got home after 2 am. On Sunday, I got worked up in the evening, and I just cried because I couldn't do it anymore. I had reached my breaking point. I just let it all out, and with my parents support, decided to quit.

A few hours ago, with assistance from mom and dad, helped me text the person I needed to text that I was quitting and what steps need to occur. I got a reply back “you need to google how to give a two weeks notice.” I was pissed, and still am. I believe that not everyone is entitled to a two week notice. The final text that I sent basically roasted them by saying “you need to google how to treat others with respect.” The other thing left in there was how to return my uniform if need be, and I only want a response if need be because my work shoes were free and are nice shoes.

Door shut, time to go job hunting again.

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