My workplace is going through financial troubles, in spite of it being one of the largest employers where I live. To help with the budget shortfall, my supervisor has been exploring ways to cut costs, especially with regard to my part-time internship. I’m just about done with grad school, just about done with my internship contract, and I just need things stable until I finish school, SO THAT I CAN FINISH SCHOOL.
This week my supervisor proposed pausing my work and my pay for two months to help with the budget shortfall. I freak out, given that this is my only source of income right now and this is very sudden and awful timing. I’m in the thick of finishing my thesis and need to focus, I have no money, etc.
So… I have expended a lot of time and emotional labor explaining, to an adult, why I can’t just… not have income for two months. Cue surprised Pikachu face on the part of my supervisor.
They “did not realize it would put me in a tough position.”
At least they’re reconsidering?