
Fake job posting

Got laid off my job back in early march. A recruiter reached out to me about a position and I had a couple interviews with the company that seemed to like me. The company ended up reaching out to a former employer or mine for a reference (whom I didnt give them btw) but that I still do consulting for. By accident the owner forwarded me an email with history showing that the company is starting to work together with my former employer and asking him to do the same projects they wanted me to do as a test before they hire me. I let the recruiter know that it seems like they are just using me to get to my contacts. Not sure how I should handle this but f$&@ this company and now I dont want to work for either but still for the most part unemployed

Got laid off my job back in early march. A recruiter reached out to me about a position and I had a couple interviews with the company that seemed to like me. The company ended up reaching out to a former employer or mine for a reference (whom I didnt give them btw) but that I still do consulting for. By accident the owner forwarded me an email with history showing that the company is starting to work together with my former employer and asking him to do the same projects they wanted me to do as a test before they hire me. I let the recruiter know that it seems like they are just using me to get to my contacts. Not sure how I should handle this but f$&@ this company and now I dont want to work for either but still for the most part unemployed

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