
Family member is in the hospital, I’m on leave and boss asking for specific personal updates

My family member is in the hospital and I'm in no shape to work this week mentally. I'm also involved in much of the decision making and ground work in getting her the care she needs, transferred to another hospital and basically fighting the doctors on saving her. This is of utmost importance right now. I sent an email to my supervisor and manager Sunday night telling them about the situation, overshared to an extent so that they know I'm not making this up or trying to get an extended vacation coming out of the holidays. The supervisor who I report to called me, and since I've worked with him 7 years now I figured they deserve to hear some of what I'm going through, however that turned into him being manipulative with it and keeping daily tabs on my leave requesting specific information to be shared on the situation…

My family member is in the hospital and I'm in no shape to work this week mentally. I'm also involved in much of the decision making and ground work in getting her the care she needs, transferred to another hospital and basically fighting the doctors on saving her. This is of utmost importance right now. I sent an email to my supervisor and manager Sunday night telling them about the situation, overshared to an extent so that they know I'm not making this up or trying to get an extended vacation coming out of the holidays. The supervisor who I report to called me, and since I've worked with him 7 years now I figured they deserve to hear some of what I'm going through, however that turned into him being manipulative with it and keeping daily tabs on my leave requesting specific information to be shared on the situation regarding my sister's personal details.

The main boss said don't even think about work right now, but this other douche wants to check in with me daily and ask for updates on her condition, ask for specific updates about the case that really doesn't concern him, he's using that friendly umbrella to obtain personal information in order to know exactly what's going on and it's starting to really affect me. The last thing I need is to have to report to my boss specific details of this traumatic situation I'm going through. Bottom line, it's none of his business. Does it affect my time off any less? I'm technically on a personal leave, is it normal to have to tell your boss constant updates on your family members demise, crap you're going through with the hospital and the outcome of every meeting?

Since I've worked with him so long, there's a level of awkwardness if I told him to f*** off, but he's using that 7-year relation as a platform to put me through this and it's disrespectful anyways. I understand he knows these manipulation tactics as he uses it in his supervisor techniques and everyone hates him for it, and he very well thinks that I don't know what he is doing so maybe I'm just a fool for it. Just wondering if an employer is allowed to request such personal information to be shared or is he out of line? I'd rather not be the one out of line when refusing

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