
F*ck computer algorithms

So I'm job hunting. I just graduated. I found a job listing that I feel I'm perfectly suited for, even though it's not in my educational field. (Educationally, I'm over-qualified.) I put more effort into that cover letter than any cover letter before. I upload my documents, fill out the online questions, and answer 3 required Y/N questions. The last one is “Do you have at least one year experience in X?” No. Cue immediate rejection. Not only is this terribly demoralizing, companies are losing out on great candidates.

So I'm job hunting. I just graduated. I found a job listing that I feel I'm perfectly suited for, even though it's not in my educational field. (Educationally, I'm over-qualified.) I put more effort into that cover letter than any cover letter before. I upload my documents, fill out the online questions, and answer 3 required Y/N questions. The last one is “Do you have at least one year experience in X?” No. Cue immediate rejection. Not only is this terribly demoralizing, companies are losing out on great candidates.

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