
Feel stuck, just need to vent.

I have been at my current job almost 3 years and in that time I’ve gotten married and my wife is expecting a baby. During that time, I have been promoted multiple times and am one of 2 people trained to do the work in my department. I have a coworker that is so dependent on me, I feel like I do 100% of my job and 50% of their job. My coworker is upset that they make much less than the some of recently hired people on other teams. We have also seen recent hires get promoted on other teams for doing nothing, which I think is happening because the other positions have such high turnover. I have personally witnessed some of the recently promoted employees hiding in the bushes behind the building smoking and on the phone multiple times a day for more than 20 minutes at a…

I have been at my current job almost 3 years and in that time I’ve gotten married and my wife is expecting a baby. During that time, I have been promoted multiple times and am one of 2 people trained to do the work in my department. I have a coworker that is so dependent on me, I feel like I do 100% of my job and 50% of their job.

My coworker is upset that they make much less than the some of recently hired people on other teams. We have also seen recent hires get promoted on other teams for doing nothing, which I think is happening because the other positions have such high turnover. I have personally witnessed some of the recently promoted employees hiding in the bushes behind the building smoking and on the phone multiple times a day for more than 20 minutes at a time. This has caused my coworker to be even less productive and caused me more stress because I’ve picked up more of the slack. Furthermore, the added stress has started causing me health problems.

I’ve pointed out the problems to my direct supervisor, but she has been busted down and her voice doesn’t have the authority it did when I started. The other teams are like endangered species, because they are heavily protected by the company. All this has me feeling like I’m slowly dying on the inside because I can’t get any help.

To make matters worse, my wife is pregnant and due in January, which has kind of boxed me in because I wouldn’t have been at a new job for long enough to be able to take FMLA to be with my new baby. I’ve had multiple disagreements with my wife because the only way my mental health will improve is with a new job.

Thank you for enduring my diatribe!

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