
Feeling exceptionally beat down lately. Need to rekindle my anger!

Our general dystopian hellscape is getting me in the worst way right now. In the past, I could at least rely on righteous anger to carry me to the next day but I’m increasingly feeling like I have no fight left. I’m beat down by capitalism in the worst fucking way. What do you guys do to rekindle your revolutionary fire? Can someone link me to some good speeches or writings that might kick me back into gear? Nihilism isn’t cutting it.

Our general dystopian hellscape is getting me in the worst way right now. In the past, I could at least rely on righteous anger to carry me to the next day but I’m increasingly feeling like I have no fight left. I’m beat down by capitalism in the worst fucking way. What do you guys do to rekindle your revolutionary fire? Can someone link me to some good speeches or writings that might kick me back into gear? Nihilism isn’t cutting it.

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