
Feeling overall stressed

I started an entry level data entry job on feb 20th. it is a 9 to 5 with a 30 minute lunch break if you want to take it. one of the first things i was told when i came to work the first day is that you don’t need to take a 30 minute lunch break if you don’t want to. After my first week of work someone in the accounting department quit, and then the girl I sat next to also quit the next week. they both quit via email; effective immediately. their job consisted of splitting the daily reports of over 44 stores containing 6 days of data for each store that they had to input into excel. i was hired to look over invoices, but a couple of days after the person i sat next to me quit I was shown for maybe an hour and…

I started an entry level data entry job on feb 20th. it is a 9 to 5 with a 30 minute lunch break if you want to take it. one of the first things i was told when i came to work the first day is that you don’t need to take a 30 minute lunch break if you don’t want to. After my first week of work someone in the accounting department quit, and then the girl I sat next to also quit the next week. they both quit via email; effective immediately. their job consisted of splitting the daily reports of over 44 stores containing 6 days of data for each store that they had to input into excel. i was hired to look over invoices, but a couple of days after the person i sat next to me quit I was shown for maybe an hour and a half where to put the numbers in the excel spreadsheet. Nobody told me it was suddenly my responsibility to take over doing the daily reports or really anything about them. I continued to do other tasks that needed to be done as well as a couple of these daily reports. Well last week the main boss took me and my other coworker into the office & was shocked at how many weeks we were behind & said she had no idea. Mind you nobody told me it was my responsibility to do more than the one i was trained with, i didn’t even know how to create a new one or really anything about them because nobody communicated with me. the 2 people who did them quit so i’m not sure who she thought was doing them. I was also hired just 2 weeks before this happened and other people were acting like i already knew the ropes. Because we were so far behind the boss created a very unrealistic time frame on when to get them done, and i felt like I couldn’t even take a bathroom break so I could get all the stuff done. The two girls were splitting the stores up so they had to do around 20 stores each with all the data for certain weeks. now i’m doing all 40 stores while 2 other people in the department were rapidly trained to help on the other weeks, and splitting the stores up. Today I had a headache and physically felt like i couldn’t look at anymore data, so i left early after finishing a report. my boss wanted me to start the other weeks report right after finishing. i’ve been doing the same thing for 8 hours everyday and feel drained. i heard the boss talk to my coworker about how the other coworker hasn’t been staying past 5 now that they have been assigned the daily reports when he usually stays till 5:30-6, and also talking about how slow he is compared to my other coworker. I’m dreading going into work tomorrow & can’t even see myself finishing this week of work. i’ve only been working there for a month and couple of days, and already feel like i have carpal tunnel and my eyes will tear up from looking at the computer all day. I realized this is not a place i want to work long term. i don’t want to go into work tomorrow, or really anytime this week and just wondering what I should do in this situation.

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