
Filing a Grievance

I received my annual evaluation from the city I work for. The first 4 where rated at above satisfactory. This last one I received was rated at needs improvement. I feel the reason behind this is because I disagreed with a policy they have. In a professional and polite way I asked our leadership why are we doing this procedure a certain way. We where told this is how we are going to do it and if you don’t like it than this may not be the place for you to work. Like an idiot I contacted HR because I believed it was an ethical issue. HR contacted me the very next day and said, I have spoken with your leadership about the procedure in question and if you do not follow protocol, that can be grounds for insubordination and disrespect. So I left it alone. Shockingly enough those are…

I received my annual evaluation from the city I work for. The first 4 where rated at above satisfactory. This last one I received was rated at needs improvement. I feel the reason behind this is because I disagreed with a policy they have. In a professional and polite way I asked our leadership why are we doing this procedure a certain way. We where told this is how we are going to do it and if you don’t like it than this may not be the place for you to work. Like an idiot I contacted HR because I believed it was an ethical issue. HR contacted me the very next day and said, I have spoken with your leadership about the procedure in question and if you do not follow protocol, that can be grounds for insubordination and disrespect. So I left it alone. Shockingly enough those are words used to describe my behavior in my evaluation. Throughout the year of my evaluation or ever at this city job have I ever, I mean never been talked to, counseled or anything about my behavior. All of my coworkers have used the complete opposite words to describe me. I told them I did not agree with this evaluation. I went to my union and they told me they spoke with my leadership and they will not change it. So now I have filed a grievance. I believe this is completely unfair and I told them I feel like this is retaliation. I am asking for any advice that can help me and also, if someone who has experienced this can they describe what actions may be next towards me?

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