
Finding a job is one the most soulless things I’ve ever experienced.

I’ve been in the workforce since 2008 (during the recession of all times), and have had over a dozen jobs in a variety of different industries since. Mostly those of the highly physical, low paying kind. Even back then in 2008, it wasn’t long before I realized how absolutely soulless the process of finding a job was. Job posts having ridiculously high requirements and expectations. Asking for at least four years of education, and/or five plus years of experience, all the while offering criminally low pay. Every job post might as well have the headline “haha, you’re fucked.” And even after spending eight years in the military, my skills still don’t cut it. I’ve been in school for some time now, trying to obtain a degree. I’m going to school for 3d art and animation, and while my skills have gotten really good, almost all job post require and degree…

I’ve been in the workforce since 2008 (during the recession of all times), and have had over a dozen jobs in a variety of different industries since. Mostly those of the highly physical, low paying kind. Even back then in 2008, it wasn’t long before I realized how absolutely soulless the process of finding a job was. Job posts having ridiculously high requirements and expectations. Asking for at least four years of education, and/or five plus years of experience, all the while offering criminally low pay. Every job post might as well have the headline “haha, you’re fucked.” And even after spending eight years in the military, my skills still don’t cut it.

I’ve been in school for some time now, trying to obtain a degree. I’m going to school for 3d art and animation, and while my skills have gotten really good, almost all job post require and degree and stupid amount of experience. Then when I do apply for a job, it takes a ridiculous time to complete. Half the sites crashing, then having to start over. And then those stupid ass personality tests.

I’ve spent the last three months desperately looking for work after I was laid off from my last job. I only have like $10 to my name left, and only have had one interview. I’ve applied for everything, even jobs that I figured would take anyone with a pulse, but still no callbacks. I was able to sustain myself with MHA from the G.I. Bill, but with the price of everything nearly quadrupling these past few years, I literally can’t afford anything anymore. I’ve become so depress, and the thought of suicide has crossed my mind several times. But I could never do that to my kid’s.

Anyways that’s my rant. Thanks for reading.

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