I’m just so frustrated. I (23 F) am in college taking the prerequisites for medical school. I have a bachelors degree in criminal Justice as well. I can’t seem to find a job that will even pay me $15 an hour. Which is still not a great wage with inflation but I digress. I got hired in March as a medical assistant. I was excited because it counted as clinical hours for medical school. The pay was $14 an hour.
Due to my classes my availability was Friday-Sunday. Their training was complete crap. They were unorganized and would send me to multiple locations for “training” and each location would tell me that the previous location had taught me incorrectly. As you guys can guess I did not master everything in the 22 shifts I was scheduled. They were training me to do two jobs at once. Medical assistant and the front desk. A few weeks ago they just stopped scheduling me.
I emailed the district manager over it and immediately my training manager called me and told me that I was fired
Guess who is filing unemployment?
I’m over it.