
Fired after a life threatening major accident

Happened to a a very close friend. He was employed in a service based company (who hire people on their payroll, and deploy to various product based OEMs) in India. Now this friend was deployed to Boeing's Indian branch. He had been working there as a contractor for nearly 2 years now. Had received numerous accolades and “pat on the backs”, but never any actual cash bonus or prize. Even during so called 'team lunches', he had to pay for his own food while all his teammates, who were internal Boeing employees, were given free food. All was fine, projects were going fine, when suddenly he met with a severe accident while on his bike during March 2nd week. Lungs punctured, all ribs fractured, shoulders fractured, spine fractured, arm bones fractured. Thank God for his helmet that he survived. He got admitted to the hospital, and stayed nearly a month…

Happened to a a very close friend.

He was employed in a service based company (who hire people on their payroll, and deploy to various product based OEMs) in India.

Now this friend was deployed to Boeing's Indian branch. He had been working there as a contractor for nearly 2 years now. Had received numerous accolades and “pat on the backs”, but never any actual cash bonus or prize. Even during so called 'team lunches', he had to pay for his own food while all his teammates, who were internal Boeing employees, were given free food.

All was fine, projects were going fine, when suddenly he met with a severe accident while on his bike during March 2nd week. Lungs punctured, all ribs fractured, shoulders fractured, spine fractured, arm bones fractured. Thank God for his helmet that he survived.

He got admitted to the hospital, and stayed nearly a month there, with 6 days in The ICU. He is still not completely recovered. His payroll company immediately informs Boeing and puts him on long unpaid leave. Now, Boeing asks him to resume work in mid April. He said he can't and they said to just join for half an hour to resolve some doubts. Silence for a few days, then again ask him to join. This goes on till in last week of May. He was getting pressured and joined despite having one arm completely plastered, and the other plastered around the elbow region.

Well, long story short, he gave many hours worth of work between mid April to mid May, unpaid, and in severe pain. They asked him to work on deliverables on last week of May (paid), then fired him on the 1st of June. He had to get a chest tube again on 3rd of June, since blood was depositing in his lungs.

TLDR: Friend met severe accident, but forced to work after 2 weeks of discharge, fired after many hours unpaid work. Company: Boeing.

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