
Fired At Will(Kansas)

I am a former employee of a First Watch in Kansas. The basis of the situation is that I feel wrongfully terminated & I understand that Kansas is an at will employment state. On Sunday, December 18th at the end of my shift General Manager(GM) verbally told me to come in the following Tuesday, December 20th @ 9AM. My first shift was on Wednesday, December 14th so I had just a couple of days to begin learning the processes of cooking at the cafe, although I had received many compliments from some my fellow line cooks & servers in my short time there. The training process was very unorganized, it felt at times they were only filling me in doing whatever prep they needed instead of trying to educate me on the line so I received little time to grasp the concepts. When I arrived on Dec 20th @ 9AM…

I am a former employee of a First Watch in Kansas. The basis of the situation is that I feel wrongfully terminated & I understand that Kansas is an at will employment state. On Sunday, December 18th at the end of my shift General Manager(GM) verbally told me to come in the following Tuesday, December 20th @ 9AM. My first shift was on Wednesday, December 14th so I had just a couple of days to begin learning the processes of cooking at the cafe, although I had received many compliments from some my fellow line cooks & servers in my short time there. The training process was very unorganized, it felt at times they were only filling me in doing whatever prep they needed instead of trying to educate me on the line so I received little time to grasp the concepts. When I arrived on Dec 20th @ 9AM GM told me that I had been late & that I was supposed to arrive @ 8AM. I stated that I was sure he had asked to come in @ 9AM & he had begin to grow angry with me & stated that I had been late for my interview and that I was late that day and that I would receive a final opportunity. I walked away to work my station & I had no further interaction with GM unless it was about something on the line. I thought nothing of it and was planning on speaking to GM about it when the days work was finished. The day passes on & I work the shift and at the end I go to speak with GM as I have not even been written on the schedule & wanted to discuss what had happened in the morning. I approach him & he tells me that we’ll go check the line out with another coworker. As we gathered by the line he stated that he knew he may have told me to come in to work @ 9AM but I was still late and that it was unacceptable because it was disrespectful to him & my fellow line cooks. He proceeded to tell me that he didn’t like my attitude & that I was a “slow” worker & that he’s just going to part ways with me & to clock out and leave. He had a smug look on his face as if the empowerment excited him that he could fire anyone that he pleased as he escorted me out the building. I truthfully felt that I had done nothing wrong. I tried being as professional as I possible and when he terminated me I was so speechless and shocked to even react. It was one of the most unprofessional experiences I’ve ever been through all around from the training to the way he had been handling everything. I understand first Watch has a no smoking/no vaping policy though those rules don’t apply to GM who goes outside to smoke 3 times a day. I don’t understand how he became the general manager he is a horrible leader & if you ask some of his employees they will say the same. I left my previous job to work full time at First Watch & being a single father to 2 children my finances are in jeopardy. My car recently had broke down & I lived close enough to first watch to walk there everyday and be there in 5 minutes. He knew all these things & didn’t even stop to consider how gravely this would effect my life. The seasonal work is all gone & it is very difficult to find employment at that time of year. Are there any legal actions that I can take?can i contact the kansas labor board?

tldr; fired unjustly & want to know if there's any thing that I can do

edit: somebody told me that they have a policy in place that GM broke & said that the company is worried that I will take legal action

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