
Fired for an emotional breakdown

I had a job that I really loved. I've been there nearly a year, and recently received a promotion in my position. I've also taken on additional responsibilities, such as assisting with team event planning, writing a company newsletter, and creating and maintaining resources to streamline our job. I felt like my coworkers were my friends, and I celebrated their life events with parties that I funded, and meal trains that I organized. I cared about the company and thought I had a long future there. Currently, I am in a call center as a customer service representative, but this is a fast growing company so I saw lots of opportunity to use my degree in a new position in the future. The pay was good, the benefits were awesome, the culture was good, I felt seen and cared for. Then, personal issues started to make it harder for me…

I had a job that I really loved. I've been there nearly a year, and recently received a promotion in my position. I've also taken on additional responsibilities, such as assisting with team event planning, writing a company newsletter, and creating and maintaining resources to streamline our job. I felt like my coworkers were my friends, and I celebrated their life events with parties that I funded, and meal trains that I organized. I cared about the company and thought I had a long future there. Currently, I am in a call center as a customer service representative, but this is a fast growing company so I saw lots of opportunity to use my degree in a new position in the future. The pay was good, the benefits were awesome, the culture was good, I felt seen and cared for.

Then, personal issues started to make it harder for me to be empathetic on repeated angry calls. I spoke with my supervisor about what was going on and was very transparent about the anxiety, depression, and insecurity the situation was causing me. He offered me to take unpaid time off, but my finances would not allow and I know it is busy season at work and I am needed.

Then, only day after that conversation, I had a really, really, really bad day. Even though I started with good spirits, it seemed like every call every person wanted to yell at me. Eventually, it broke me down. My shift was almost over and I had a VERY difficult call. Even though I asked the supervisors for help, they asked me to have the customer call back. He refused to disconnect or allow me to. Everytime I went to end the call he would be threatening. I was afraid to lose my job (oh the irony) so I stayed on and kept getting yelled at. Finally, I broke down sobbing. He hung up, I was sent home.

My supervisor (who was sick that day) texted me and asked what happened. I explained and agreed to take the follow day as a mental health day. I returned after my day off, and although anxious, my shift was off to good start with a few hours of successful calls.

Then, I was pulled into the director's office. I thought it was so they could check in on me. I thought maybe they would offer me some coaching or techniques so I didn't get to that place again. I figured the event might be documented. Instead, they told me that they considered firing me for my emotional outburst but made the choice to spare me. When termination was mentioned in the first few moments, I started panicking. I asked if it was possible to downgrade this to a written warning, as I have not received prior disciplinary action. They then informed me I had, which took me by surprise. I've never signed anything or been given a verbal or written warning to my knowledge. They say they cannot recall the event and it was not properly documented, but they know this has happened before.

At this point, I'm getting very flustered and defensive. My direct supervisor then made a comment suggesting my coworkers wanted to see my reprimanded for my outburst because it made them uncomfortable. This completely threw me off because these are my friends and they had supported me through the whole event.

After verbally agreeing (to my knowledge) to change the final write up to a warning, the director then when back on it. In my frustration, I stated, “This is bullshit.” She told me to leave the building. I gathered myself and did so without causing a scene to the best of my ability.

I got home, and minutes later I got a call that I was terminated. I'm still shocked. I know I could have handled so many things better and differently, but it felt like everywhere I turned for support I received a cold shoulder. For a company that claims they know how mentally taxing this job is and pretends to care about our personal struggles, I never imagined I'd now be unemployed.

I've written a letter attempting to appeal the decision. I can't imagine going back would ever be the same even if I am given the chance and that breaks my heart. My tough times have gotten much tougher and my support system has fallen out from under me. I truly wish things had gone differently.

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