
Fired for having a grievance.

Hey antiwork! I have a contribution. As I type them, I'm sitting at the bar at 11a just calming tf down from having been fired about 30 minutes ago. I worked for a nonprofit for 3+ years. When I initially started, I took my position to a whole new level. I added about 65% more work from the person who held it before me. For the first 2 years it was great! Hard work, but I don't mind hard work when I have confidence and ardor of my superiors. About 6 months ago, our general manager left, causing my immediate manager to move up into her position. A coworker took the position immediately above me. When the switch happened I was so happy for both of them! I also got constant reassurances from my former coworker that nothing quotidian change and she trusted me to do my job and that…

Hey antiwork! I have a contribution. As I type them, I'm sitting at the bar at 11a just calming tf down from having been fired about 30 minutes ago.
I worked for a nonprofit for 3+ years. When I initially started, I took my position to a whole new level. I added about 65% more work from the person who held it before me. For the first 2 years it was great! Hard work, but I don't mind hard work when I have confidence and ardor of my superiors. About 6 months ago, our general manager left, causing my immediate manager to move up into her position. A coworker took the position immediately above me.
When the switch happened I was so happy for both of them! I also got constant reassurances from my former coworker that nothing quotidian change and she trusted me to do my job and that she'd not micromanage. About 3 month into her tenure, I noticed a change. She began to nit pick and act short with me. She didn't have a benefit of any doubt in her for me. One day, She was giving me flak about something menial and I basically told her I feel underconfident in my job because of the grief she'd been giving me and that I was thinking about going elsewhere. The response was…… nothing. She ghosted me.
So the next week rolls around and, in response to my grievance, I have a disciplinary firm to sign saying I'll do my job better. This, THIS had me typing up my resignation (in his sight, I should've followed my gut, once again) but I decided to open up a dialog about it, something neither manager chose to do with me. I ended up not signing it with a manager stating, “you don't have to sign it.” I spoke with them and agreed on working on the things contained within the document but I wasn't gonna sign it because I was mad they went to HR instead of talking this over. (I'd also like to state I never had any issues like this before the initial general supervisor left). We left the meeting. I didn't feel great, honestly, there was never an apology but just a bunch of excuses. But I started to work to improve myself.

Today I was fired. For not signing a form my supervisor told me I didn't need to sign. Be leary of non profits, especially those that seem to be a revolving door of employment.

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