
Fired for not smiling enough and having a “bad attitude”

This was my third job in food service. A part time job. I was fired as soon as I got in the door. I think the most disappointing part of this is that I wasn't even fired by my general manager. He put it on my shift manager to fire me is what my shift manager said. He alleged that people were complaining about my attitude. I have RBF and forcing a smile feels uncomfortable and awkward because I know it's not genuine. He never mentioned that I needed to smile more prior to firing me. I don't understand why seeming happy is a bigger priority than being able to do my job properly. I was never late, never on my phone in the back or messing around, never standing idle, and I was even commended for my work ethic multiple times even by the GM himself. I don't understand.…

This was my third job in food service. A part time job. I was fired as soon as I got in the door. I think the most disappointing part of this is that I wasn't even fired by my general manager. He put it on my shift manager to fire me is what my shift manager said. He alleged that people were complaining about my attitude. I have RBF and forcing a smile feels uncomfortable and awkward because I know it's not genuine. He never mentioned that I needed to smile more prior to firing me. I don't understand why seeming happy is a bigger priority than being able to do my job properly. I was never late, never on my phone in the back or messing around, never standing idle, and I was even commended for my work ethic multiple times even by the GM himself. I don't understand. Why is it even legal for anyone to be fired for not smiling. It's not a responsibility. It's a choice based on how I feel or how I just look in general. Even teachers would always ask me if I was okay and I would always just reply with “yeah, that's just how I look” and we would have a laugh about it. I think I'll just wear a mask at my next job so then I would have an excuse.

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