
Fired from DEI Org for Disability

(On mobile, long time lurker, first time poster on this account) I’ve posted about this job on an alternative account after the CEO attempted to illegally fire a trans employee for taking medical leave to receive gender affirming surgery. TL;DR She felt the employee was “taking advantage of benefits” and went so far as to attempt to manipulate others to upholding a lie so a lawyer couldn’t contest it. I directly protected this employee and went above her directly to the organization lawyer to prevent this. I was able to support the employee through their resignation and job search two months after returning from leave. Since then, I’ve been in her crosshairs. I recently requested disability accommodation after returning from medical leave myself. It’s been a tough year as someone with a chronic illness, but I took time off due to pregnancy loss and my CPTSD becoming heightened due to…

(On mobile, long time lurker, first time poster on this account)

I’ve posted about this job on an alternative account after the CEO attempted to illegally fire a trans employee for taking medical leave to receive gender affirming surgery. TL;DR She felt the employee was “taking advantage of benefits” and went so far as to attempt to manipulate others to upholding a lie so a lawyer couldn’t contest it. I directly protected this employee and went above her directly to the organization lawyer to prevent this. I was able to support the employee through their resignation and job search two months after returning from leave. Since then, I’ve been in her crosshairs.

I recently requested disability accommodation after returning from medical leave myself. It’s been a tough year as someone with a chronic illness, but I took time off due to pregnancy loss and my CPTSD becoming heightened due to the situation. I went to our HR person, had medical documentation ready, and was extremely vulnerable in what my long and short term disabilities are. Notably, a co worker came back from maternity leave and my supervisor carved out space in a staff meeting for everyone to ask us questions about birth, motherhood, etc. This was incredibly difficult for me and I immediately to our HR person again. At this point, it’s important to note that although I’ve been in the deep end personally, my work performance never slipped. I ingrained any feedback I received, found creative solutions to a wide variety of problems, and upheld high quality programming.

Well, after the second request to meet regarding disability accommodation, I was told that because our organization is so small, employee protections do not apply. I was told I could not take FMLA, receive disability accommodations without disrupting the organization as a whole, and that I needed to call my HR person immediately as this was now a “time sensitive issue.” So instead of receiving accommodation, or even a meeting to discuss specifically what my disability needs were, I received a “letter of separation.” I was fired, after three years with this organization, with no other reason or performance evaluation provided.

And you know what? Besides deeply disappointed and saddened, I’m relieved. This organization is led by a truly vile woman and is so deeply toxic. For being centered around DEI services, it’s disgusting what I’ve had to work around and mitigate. We directly work with teens and I stayed this long, besides for job security, to support and uplift them. This CEO has targeted 5 other former employees, ranging from recent college grads to PhD geniuses, simply because they would not enable her either. We’ve been cursed at, intimidated with her lawyer, and then fired.

At the end of the day, I’m proud of the outstanding work I’ve done with some pretty incredible youth. And I will not me disempowered or made to feel ashamed. But, this really highlights the importance of collective action and accountability. Others in power holding positions did not stand up for me, or anyone else, despite the clear retaliation and discrimination (that the CEO openly admitted to before she took medical leave to go on vacation in Dubai). Despite the financial insecurity I now face, I don’t regret a thing I did to protect others. A shame this cycle continues.

TL;DR I was fired for requesting documented disability accommodation from a DEI org. Org has long history of discrimination and retaliation from CEO. Others holding power enable her, showing the clear need for collective action and accountability.

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