
My boss accidentally send me a screenshot calling me a psycho.

“I had three miscarriages last year. One occurred in July (at 8 weeks). Then, while I was going through the first miscarriage, I got pregnant again. When I went for a check-up 5 weeks later, the doctor told me that I was 5 weeks pregnant but was having another miscarriage. One thing that stuck with me from that second pregnancy was how high my levels were – at 2500 (this is important for later reasons). After the second miscarriage, I found out that the father had been talking to his next-door neighbor. Only a few days had passed since the second miscarriage in early September when I found out. I posted on my close friends on Instagram (about 10-15 people) what I was going through and just aired out my dirty laundry. It wasn’t the best move, but I felt like I needed to be heard and talk to someone…

“I had three miscarriages last year. One occurred in July (at 8 weeks). Then, while I was going through the first miscarriage, I got pregnant again. When I went for a check-up 5 weeks later, the doctor told me that I was 5 weeks pregnant but was having another miscarriage. One thing that stuck with me from that second pregnancy was how high my levels were – at 2500 (this is important for later reasons). After the second miscarriage, I found out that the father had been talking to his next-door neighbor. Only a few days had passed since the second miscarriage in early September when I found out. I posted on my close friends on Instagram (about 10-15 people) what I was going through and just aired out my dirty laundry. It wasn’t the best move, but I felt like I needed to be heard and talk to someone about everything that had been going on since I had been keeping everything in. This is where my boss comes into play. She introduced me to him. Her and my other boss (both owners of the company) kept pretending they were there for me. That’s when I got it – I was hosting a meeting for my team when the owner and co-owner (both my mentors whom I looked up to so much) were talking about me. They said, “I think she's a little psycho.” It broke me even more. I didn’t know what to think, and I just left crying. I didn’t want to go out or do anything after. I was devastated. They didn’t apologize. They tried to take me out to lunch to do damage control and just said that they were “psycho” too. Two days later, I was rushed to the ER because I was having another miscarriage. It turned out that the second pregnancy was twins. I bled a lot and hurt a lot. He rushed to the hospital when he found out. He apologized, and since then we have worked things out. I forgave him and them. They called me a few months later demanding to know if I was going to quit because “my energy had been off”. I had created multiple events for them – parties, websites, fundraisers, volunteering – you name it. Then, the office mate I had took my desk out of my office, which I paid $500 for a month. My lease ended at the end of the month, and they took out my items on the 11th. I expressed how I felt disrespected again, but they didn’t do anything about it until I finally said, “Don’t worry about it.” I think they got scared. My boss is a social media influencer and a bully. When I left, she posted something about “the victim mentality” and reached out to other agents to let them know that if I said anything, I was lying (even though I have all the screenshots).

I don’t know what to do. I want to sue, but I’m not sure I have a case since I’m a 1099. I need help.”

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