
Fired last Thursday. Been a blessing in disguise.

Boss at the place I was doing data entry for has had it out for me ever since I refused to be bothered by the bullying tactics she uses to keep power and make others afraid. I stuck it out long enough sock a little back, because I viewed quitting as a defeat. I wanted her to have to go through the effort. Last Tuesday, she decided to purposefully misunderstand a single, solitary word in an e-mail I sent that day…I'm still not 100% clear on what she was even bothered by, but she sent me home, canned me two days later. I went in on Friday to get my stuff after everyone was gone, and left a couple of messages for her on the office whiteboards, just calling her a name or two and insulting her ridiculous appearance. Apparently I am now a legend at that place among some…

Boss at the place I was doing data entry for has had it out for me ever since I refused to be bothered by the bullying tactics she uses to keep power and make others afraid. I stuck it out long enough sock a little back, because I viewed quitting as a defeat. I wanted her to have to go through the effort.

Last Tuesday, she decided to purposefully misunderstand a single, solitary word in an e-mail I sent that day…I'm still not 100% clear on what she was even bothered by, but she sent me home, canned me two days later.

I went in on Friday to get my stuff after everyone was gone, and left a couple of messages for her on the office whiteboards, just calling her a name or two and insulting her ridiculous appearance. Apparently I am now a legend at that place among some of my coworkers (things are awful there because of her).

My gal is 100% in my corner, as are all of my friends and family. I'm working a part-time job from home while looking for new stuff, and things are gonna be okay…and I don't have to go back to that God-forsaken hellhole ever again.

Chin up, if it happens to you. Just opportunity knocking, telling you that you just need a change in order to be awesome.

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