
Firms use these tactics to stop workers from leaving

Many firms now use training repayment agreement provisions, also known as TRAPs, to lock workers in place. TRAPs require workers to reimburse their employer for the costs of mandatory training (sometimes of little or no value) if they leave within a set time. These TRAPs are common in three sectors that employ tens of millions of often low-paid workers – health care, retail and transportation. Another way employers hang on to their staff is through liquidated damages provisions. These clauses compel workers to pay their employers significant sums of money if they leave within a stated time frame or ever. ​ ​

Many firms now use training repayment agreement provisions, also known as TRAPs, to lock workers in place. TRAPs require workers to reimburse their employer for the costs of mandatory training (sometimes of little or no value) if they leave within a set time. These TRAPs are common in three sectors that employ tens of millions of often low-paid workers – health care, retail and transportation.

Another way employers hang on to their staff is through liquidated damages provisions. These clauses compel workers to pay their employers significant sums of money if they leave within a stated time frame or ever.

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