
First internship experience

Hi everyone, I’m a new college grad interning for the summer. I’m really struggling with some things that have happened with my boss and I’m looking for guidance. I’ve been interning for this team for almost 6 months. From the beginning of my internship, my boss told me that “if things aligned” he would extend an offer and that he’s really interested in growing his team at the entry level. Right around when I started my internship I also got accepted to grad school with the option to go part time or full time. From the beginning, I gave him the deadline I was given to make a part time vs full time school decision, and asked him if it’d be possible to make a decision about my post internship decision then (extend an offer vs not). He happily agreed. I continued to remind him about this deadline every few…

Hi everyone, I’m a new college grad interning for the summer. I’m really struggling with some things that have happened with my boss and I’m looking for guidance.

I’ve been interning for this team for almost 6 months. From the beginning of my internship, my boss told me that “if things aligned” he would extend an offer and that he’s really interested in growing his team at the entry level.

Right around when I started my internship I also got accepted to grad school with the option to go part time or full time. From the beginning, I gave him the deadline I was given to make a part time vs full time school decision, and asked him if it’d be possible to make a decision about my post internship decision then (extend an offer vs not). He happily agreed. I continued to remind him about this deadline every few months and he said he was still ok with it. The senior level that I’ve been directly working with has given me glowing recommendations and advocated for me to get hired throughout the summer. I owned 2 big projects and contributed to another.

Flash forward to last week, the day before my deadline, I commuted to the office so that we could have the meeting we’ve planned for months in person. Right before our meeting, he had someone else reschedule our meeting for the following day because he wanted to go home early (note that I drove 2 hours to have this meeting in person). Also note that earlier that day we had a 2 hour long socialization lunch with the interns that he invited himself to, so it’s not like there wasn’t enough time in the day to have this conversation.

We ended up meeting over a call that night and he basically admitted that he’s known about a hiring freeze for months and didn’t mention it to me. He offered to have a follow up call to talk about extending my internship this week and after accepting a meeting invite he completely ghosted and didn’t try to reschedule until late that night.

Feeling so discouraged and disheartened at how this was handled.

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