
“First world problems”

Now now i hate this term, but for the lack of a more direct and explicative one i used it. We know what it means: problems that are not “major” in the strict sense, it is not about shelter or food, but the problems of people who have all they need to survive and even live well. Now what's the topic here? What do i want to talk about in this post? Well i'd like to discuss about such problems.. if people can point them out qnd show how in a noncapitalistic society they can be fixed. I aim to create such a society, so i want to collect fixes and problems i haven't thiught about yet. The following two are the ones i propose: first: Ads, advertising, online profiling. Without circulating money there is no need to advertise anything. If people “earned their revenue” theough “wages” and not sales…

Now now i hate this term, but for the lack of a more direct and explicative one i used it. We know what it means: problems that are not “major” in the strict sense, it is not about shelter or food, but the problems of people who have all they need to survive and even live well.

Now what's the topic here? What do i want to talk about in this post?

Well i'd like to discuss about such problems.. if people can point them out qnd show how in a noncapitalistic society they can be fixed.
I aim to create such a society, so i want to collect fixes and problems i haven't thiught about yet.

The following two are the ones i propose:

first: Ads, advertising, online profiling.
Without circulating money there is no need to advertise anything. If people “earned their revenue” theough “wages” and not sales there would be way way less point into incentivize advertising, at maximum we'll get informative advertising or dedicated sites for the ones looking to get something.

Advertising is such a pain in the ass, first on the radio, then the television and now on the web it has become unbearable. Of course there are adblockers and piracy to circumvent it, but it'll still be a quality life change when we'll get rid of it.

second: **freedom of art and culture, copyright, quality of entertainment”

We know it well: art and culture are not free and the quality of them tends to decrease overtime as developers tend to focus on revenue rather than focusing on improving it.
Now i could sort of see material stuff being behind a price, but this completely falls apart when we talk about online, downloadable content.

Of course the only reason is that developers need to get their money (or profit)

We've seen it many times, from scientific fields being slow in progress because of lack of funds, to entertainment sectors wother losing quality in favour of mass production or completely disappearing because masses lose interest.

We see companies putting the bare minimum (or even less) in these products or squeezing them and their fans until the last cent and then letting them die.
We also see the developers being abuaed by the companies, with tight schedules, intense works etc…

Some examples:

  • scientific papers and books being paywalled
  • astronomical research: no funds, poor payments
  • paleonthology, archeology
  • historical research
  • unconventionsl food research
  • energy research (used to be, now it is profitable)
  • books are not free to download
  • manga, the same, but being serialized authors have enormous pressures and could fall ill (Bleach, HunterxHunter etc…)
  • videogames, they wither become worse and worse in quality (assassin's creed, LoL, Overwatch, and fucking Pokemon) or they disappear (Spyro), also look at the examples of Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky.
  • the new DnD question (look it up, just go on rDnD or rdndnext) (this prompted me to write this post actually)
  • songs being copyright even if covers are at the bae of music and in general art comes from imitation (not always)
  • console exclusives exist
  • movies tend to get lower wuality or just follow general trends that the market likes
  • series tend to be rushed sometimes or have bad seasons because of no time in development
  • museums are not always free to enter

How do we fix this? Well:

  • artists and developers get wages, rather than gains over the sales.
  • wages have a minimum amount and then popularity increases such amount up to a maximum
  • copyright disappears

(I could expand but it would get very long.. just know i'll work on this sooner or later and already am)

Art will proliferate again.

Posted this in latestagecapitalism let's see if here a better discussion sparks

Now these are the ones i thought about, what else do you propose?

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