
Fixed-term contract runs until start of August, performance review mentioned next performance review will be in October 2023?

So basically what I'm asking is will this contract get extended? My relationship with my boss is not transparent and I am making her look good by staying put rather than leaving them. I also dislike my boss a lot. It was said in my performance review last time back in April that it will be extended by my interim boss. The other boss is on maternity leave. So, am I being breadcrumbed to stay put? Boss micromanaged and humiliated me one time, team members sort of help me out but I can see why one team member is like best friends in 5 minutes. Because her documentation skills are minimal and if she asks for help, you will spend time fixing her issues at times or not understanding her chicken logic. When I started the job, the senior treated it like a throw-away job. When I Was getting good…

So basically what I'm asking is will this contract get extended?

My relationship with my boss is not transparent and I am making her look good by staying put rather than leaving them. I also dislike my boss a lot.

It was said in my performance review last time back in April that it will be extended by my interim boss. The other boss is on maternity leave. So, am I being breadcrumbed to stay put?

Boss micromanaged and humiliated me one time, team members sort of help me out but I can see why one team member is like best friends in 5 minutes. Because her documentation skills are minimal and if she asks for help, you will spend time fixing her issues at times or not understanding her chicken logic.

When I started the job, the senior treated it like a throw-away job. When I Was getting good at my job, they had hope. When I did the competency and failed one element my interim boss explained why I failed it in some mentally abusive controlling ways. I recognise that but there is the exception that the sample the senior prepared was a bit crap and didn't show the full clinical picture (trace Calcium and magnesium), otherwise, whatever the doctors send to the lab, I can see that situation already straightaway. Also, I was a bit burnt out from working 4 months on authorisation and from my unemployment gap when I tried to get a tech degree, I dropped out.

Anyway, I hate being the underdog to the 2 permies when they were given permanent contracts. I feel like my coworkers are mediocre and selfish at times. For permanent contracts in my country, it is always mandatory they are advertised. In that case, the employer took people from abroad and never advertised the permanent positions, while I'm grovelling like a dog for a permanent post. I wouldn't mind if I had decent mentors but since they are a bit mediocre and are not leaders, I am thinking of going elsewhere.

I am interviewing elsewhere because who wants to be a slave? However, getting a permanent job is complex and I do interview well, despite the competition. Employers do ghost people. A lab I interviewed at had no middleware to block high results. I might email them again just to confirm they are available. I don't want to transfer to a lab outside the speciality I am learning now. Am I shooting myself in the foot with this mindset? I forgot microscopy and picking up a new speciality is damn stressful. I find micro-biology creative but it sucks because all interpretation is from the brain. The competition for that in my country is high for microbiology and I did not do it for 3 years.

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