
For people who hate office work, why not change careers?

I see many people here complaining about the drudgery of office and computer work, which is understandable. I’m curious why people who dislike office work so much don’t change careers to more ‘active’ jobs. Construction, utilities, forestry, and many other active / outdoor jobs have huge labour shortages right now and offer good pay and (usually) benefits. Why not pivot to something if you don’t like what you’re currently doing? Especially for those who are young / have no kids and thus can be a bit more flexible

I see many people here complaining about the drudgery of office and computer work, which is understandable. I’m curious why people who dislike office work so much don’t change careers to more ‘active’ jobs. Construction, utilities, forestry, and many other active / outdoor jobs have huge labour shortages right now and offer good pay and (usually) benefits. Why not pivot to something if you don’t like what you’re currently doing? Especially for those who are young / have no kids and thus can be a bit more flexible

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