
For Those Who NEED To Work Overtime….How Do You Prefer To Do It?

I make $27.50 an hour, which unfortunately is STILL not enough in my area to live a comfortable lifestyle at 40 hours a week. I believe a 40 hour work week is too long itself, but unfortunately I find myself having to work longer to live comfortably and enjoy some of life's pleasures. So for those in the same position that I am, and need to work OT… do you prefer to do it? Obviously every company is different, so I know not everyone will have the same answer. In my position, I usually have the option to work 12 hours a day. Either coming in 4 hours early, or staying 4 hours late. That is my last resort. I fucking hate doing that. I fucking hate 12 hours shifts. We always have weekend OT though. Me personally….I'd rather work 6 eight hour shifts, rather than 3 eights and 2…

I make $27.50 an hour, which unfortunately is STILL not enough in my area to live a comfortable lifestyle at 40 hours a week.

I believe a 40 hour work week is too long itself, but unfortunately I find myself having to work longer to live comfortably and enjoy some of life's pleasures.

So for those in the same position that I am, and need to work OT… do you prefer to do it?

Obviously every company is different, so I know not everyone will have the same answer.

In my position, I usually have the option to work 12 hours a day. Either coming in 4 hours early, or staying 4 hours late.

That is my last resort. I fucking hate doing that. I fucking hate 12 hours shifts.

We always have weekend OT though.

Me personally….I'd rather work 6 eight hour shifts, rather than 3 eights and 2 twelves during M-F. I feel like a lot of people would disagree with that, especially if you have kids, but I don't. I'd rather only have one day off than do two twelves.

My company also offers a lot of Sunday shifts, but they are only a very small crew. So everyone fights for them because they pay fucking double time.

Plus my company's policy is if you work a Saturday and Sunday, you get the next weekend off. You're fully exempt from any possible “mandatory OT” that may occur on the following Saturday.

So I'm honestly just curious about other leftists that are anti-work and believe the 40 hour work week is bullshit, but unfortunately still need to work even beyond it…..

What are your personal preferences….do you prefer to give up part or all of your weekend, or do you prefer to give up extra hours during the week?

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