
Forcing My Daughter to Quit (Advice)

My daughter of her own free will this summer wanted to get a job to have her own money. She’s only 15 and I advised not to do it and just enjoy your summer being care free. She didn’t go for it. She worked in a small clothing place where some management changes are/were taking place, and initially was getting hours. However, as time went on and in the past month she has no hours. She begged the now in charge manager for some hours before school starts because after that she can only work Friday evenings and weekends. (Her choice. Again I advised just work for the summer and not work during school year) Today she got some hours and after 2 hours told her they didn’t need her anymore for the day, it’s too slow. Sent her home. The place apparently has 20 some employees and she is…

My daughter of her own free will this summer wanted to get a job to have her own money. She’s only 15 and I advised not to do it and just enjoy your summer being care free. She didn’t go for it.

She worked in a small clothing place where some management changes are/were taking place, and initially was getting hours. However, as time went on and in the past month she has no hours. She begged the now in charge manager for some hours before school starts because after that she can only work Friday evenings and weekends. (Her choice. Again I advised just work for the summer and not work during school year)

Today she got some hours and after 2 hours told her they didn’t need her anymore for the day, it’s too slow. Sent her home.

The place apparently has 20 some employees and she is the ONLY one not getting hours.

She overheard today that they are intentionally giving her no hours and did this stunt today in order to get her to quit .

I’m assuming they are doing this because they don’t want to fire her so she can’t file for unemployment, correct ?

I don’t think there’s any reason for her to even give 2 weeks and just bail out.

Any advice?

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