
Former employer is trying to get out of paying remaining due wages because of company truck damage.

Back in probably February or March my boyfriend (26m) and I (25F) were given permission to go pick up a snowmobile which he (the company owner) wants to purchase from us, with the company truck and trailer. On our way back we had unexpectedly hit a deer going 55mph, damaged the grill and headlights as well as a gas line. He told us back then not to worry about it because it's Michigan and deer accidents happen ALL THE TIME. Fast forward to now we're still demanding our pay from May/June. He wants to tell us he's not going to pay us to cover the damages to said truck (the trailer received no damage). Can he even legally do this, even if it happened on personal use? He still owes us both a total of $800, and getting that money would get us out of homelessness.

Back in probably February or March my boyfriend (26m) and I (25F) were given permission to go pick up a snowmobile which he (the company owner) wants to purchase from us, with the company truck and trailer. On our way back we had unexpectedly hit a deer going 55mph, damaged the grill and headlights as well as a gas line. He told us back then not to worry about it because it's Michigan and deer accidents happen ALL THE TIME.

Fast forward to now we're still demanding our pay from May/June. He wants to tell us he's not going to pay us to cover the damages to said truck (the trailer received no damage). Can he even legally do this, even if it happened on personal use? He still owes us both a total of $800, and getting that money would get us out of homelessness.

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