
Found out how underpaid I am

My department is hiring a position junior to mine. With the new salary transparency law in my companies state I saw that this position pays more than my salary, and not by a little. I felt like I was punched in the gut. I felt so stupid and both incredibly angry and terribly sad. My boss was away when the job was posted so I sat with it which may have been a good thing to calm down and calculate the best plan of action for ME. I talk to my boss letting him know I won't accept this and it needs to get fixed asap or I will likely quite. He apologizes saying that he didnt even know what the salary band was going to be posted and he had no input on compensation for the new role. I believe him. My company is ass backwards, this sounds on…

My department is hiring a position junior to mine. With the new salary transparency law in my companies state I saw that this position pays more than my salary, and not by a little. I felt like I was punched in the gut. I felt so stupid and both incredibly angry and terribly sad. My boss was away when the job was posted so I sat with it which may have been a good thing to calm down and calculate the best plan of action for ME.

I talk to my boss letting him know I won't accept this and it needs to get fixed asap or I will likely quite. He apologizes saying that he didnt even know what the salary band was going to be posted and he had no input on compensation for the new role. I believe him. My company is ass backwards, this sounds on point. He understands my situation has conversations with HR and his management. He acknowledges with new laws this has been happening and there is precedent to large salary increases to employees. This was April.

We just had our performance reviews and I was really hoping the salary would be adjusted then, but it was not. My boss said they don't want to do it now, cuz they want the funds to come from another bucket, bs. And that something would happen… BY THE END OF THE YEAR! WTF! To make things worse I found out how much my colleagues of similar experience are being paid and it's much more than me. Like when I told them how much I was paid, they audibly gasped. And after doing research on the market I calculate its about 20% underpaid.

I know how it got so far off. I worked salaried for 3 years and was getting usual increases, even got a promotion. Then I had to move for my partners job. I put in my notice and they offered me a freelance position WFH prepandemic. This was unheard of with my role. They paid me hourly, same rate for 3 years. It was very much “just be grateful you have a job”. Then they hire me back salary because wfh is now an option post covid. They gave me a “little bump” in salary when I came back 2 years ago. (That makes me nauseous, hearing the HR woman saying that, full on knowing how underpaid I am).

My boss is a decent guy. He's fighting to get me more money, says they are trying to lowball because I live out of state with a lower cost of living. Don't get me wrong him just knowing how underpaid I was and doing nothing makes him a dick for sure. But he's a good boss minus that major deception. Lol. He was coming from a place of do whatever we can to keep me, the sure partly motivated to make his job easier. He's still a decent guy though. Had a death in the family, a young niece, freelancing with no pto, and he told me to take the time I needed off and to still bill. He also shields our department from all sorts of negativity. Argh I hate this.

I full on checked out. I'm gone. Zero fucks to give. Bare minimum. New hire starts sometime in August, lower position with higher pay. I don't know if I can do it. The only thing I think about all day is how much I hate this POS company. Morale is busted, and I don't know if it can be repaired even if I get an improved salary. I wish I could not take things so personally.

I'm thinking of putting in a letter of resignation on the new hires start date. I'll give em 4 weeks notice to transition work over, but more importanly give them a little time (more than they already had) to get their shit together. I am confident I can make a rather compelling case to give me a good increase.

I work in manufacturing and do a bunch of data analysis on spending. I save this company so much freaking money, multiple millions of dollars with my efforts and I can back it up. It's just so frustrating to have to resort to this shit. I do these reports seeing the hundreds of thousands of dollars I've saved the company in just the first 3 months of our fiscal year and they are like… “well we can pay him less cuz he doesn't have to buy a metrocard” GFY. Penny wise dollar foolish. My salary is mediocre at best

Shitty part is I actually like what I do. I enjoy the day to day, work with mostly good people, good health insurance and wfh is great. I just wish they would fix it right away so I don't have to do all this BS and I can move on. I don't want to update my resume or look for new work. I hate this shit.

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