
Friend didn’t get paid overtime.

“I'm headed to work right now but I'm a little angry because my job didn't pay me my overtime on the last check. I'm so pissed off at the bulls*** I have to deal with when it comes to these jobs. One bills take out too much money, two the jobs take up too much time, three the management and supervisors take up too much of my emotional energy with their unprofessional crap, and four the administration at these jobs don't handle HR issues efficiently nor make sure payroll is correct every time. I'm just so fed up with the fuckery of the system”

“I'm headed to work right now but I'm a little angry because my job didn't pay me my overtime on the last check. I'm so pissed off at the bulls*** I have to deal with when it comes to these jobs. One bills take out too much money, two the jobs take up too much time, three the management and supervisors take up too much of my emotional energy with their unprofessional crap, and four the administration at these jobs don't handle HR issues efficiently nor make sure payroll is correct every time. I'm just so fed up with the fuckery of the system”

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