
Boss tries to sugar coat a demotion – I leave one week before deliverables are due

I have to be vague in order to avoid being found out. This is my super villain origin story. I had been working in a large Healthcare organization (hco) for 8 years in various roles while going to school. Once I graduated, I wanted to stay on at this organization. The bummer was that the department that I wanted to work in was contracted to a third party. No matter, I decided to go for it. I took an entry level role and was quickly promoted within six months. About 8 months in, the company I worked for was able to convince the hco to amend the contract, at over 300k per year, to add a brand new role and department. Think facilities mixed with IT and cybersecurity. I would be reporting directly to my VP and actually outranked my manager at the time. I was tabbed for the role.…

I have to be vague in order to avoid being found out.

This is my super villain origin story.

I had been working in a large Healthcare organization (hco) for 8 years in various roles while going to school. Once I graduated, I wanted to stay on at this organization. The bummer was that the department that I wanted to work in was contracted to a third party. No matter, I decided to go for it. I took an entry level role and was quickly promoted within six months.

About 8 months in, the company I worked for was able to convince the hco to amend the contract, at over 300k per year, to add a brand new role and department. Think facilities mixed with IT and cybersecurity. I would be reporting directly to my VP and actually outranked my manager at the time.

I was tabbed for the role. I was given a raise and promotion to be the department of one. I was through the roof happy. That's when things began to crumble.

I wasn't given a proper laptop and was told to use my own. When I complained, I was told to use a cheap desktop that I could take out in the field–not practical. I wasn't given proper tools. I wasn't given proper training. Nevertheless, I soldiered on. Now I know the role was new and that there wasn't a playbook on how to run this department. However, I knew that other hco that had started doing this had teams of a dozen or more. I was getting killed and had no support from management.

I ended up really effective in this role. Went out and got It and cybersecurity certs. I wrote scripts to automate a portion of my job and put in a ton of paid OT to get the launch of the department done. All of my spreadsheets data and software were on my personal laptop.

3 months into my new role, I was called into a meeting. My VP tells me that they were reassessing my title and didn't feel my title was appropriate. He gave me my new title and said that my duties wouldn't change. Well, in this company, title determines pay. My new title meant a 20 percent pay cut. He also informed me that I would be an exempt, salaried employee with no overtime. I accepted and began my payback immediately.

I quickly reached out to my old classmates and within a 2 weeks had a job offer. I accepted and put in my two weeks notice. My last day would be six days before we were to give a status update and make good on some deliverables. My boss assumed I would just keep on soldiering along and pretty much avoided me. On my last day, he asked me to give him the run down. I told him everything that I could accomplish with my desktop was on the desktop. I left it at that.

After I left, they realized I hadn't touched the laptop and I thi k they realized they f*cked up. I never got a call or any communication. My former coworkers told me that they went full panic mode and had to bring in two guys from corporate to make up for my work, each at twice my salary. They also had to pay for missing a deadline.

And that, kids, is how one man destroyed my sense of Asian submissiveness and turned me into the antiwork villain who looks out for himself and job-hops from one job to another to get better pay and situations each time. Screw corporatations.

TLDR: I was demoted and left the company, screwing them over in the process

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