
Fuck Dominos

So I work at domino's as a delivery driver. I get minimum wage (11 in my area), which is pretty ass. I get tips on top of it but it is very hit or miss of course. I'm mad because I saw an ad today from Dominos pushing carryout orders by paying the customers $3 towards their next order. Saying something along the lines of “be your own delivery driver, cause drivers deserve to be tipped” or some bullshit like that. Dominos doesn't give us anything on deliveries, except a small amount for milage. Which currently isn't adjusted to these gas prices. I enjoy working there but when they blatantly show us they don't care for the people running the stores, I want to leave.

So I work at domino's as a delivery driver. I get minimum wage (11 in my area), which is pretty ass. I get tips on top of it but it is very hit or miss of course. I'm mad because I saw an ad today from Dominos pushing carryout orders by paying the customers $3 towards their next order. Saying something along the lines of “be your own delivery driver, cause drivers deserve to be tipped” or some bullshit like that. Dominos doesn't give us anything on deliveries, except a small amount for milage. Which currently isn't adjusted to these gas prices. I enjoy working there but when they blatantly show us they don't care for the people running the stores, I want to leave.

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