
Fussed at for not reading minds + Is this why the last one left?

On my throwaway because I could be overreacting.. but this didn't make me feel good. So I work at a law firm in the south. Their last receptionist was here sometime last year in August and evidently they left and they needed to hire a new one, me. I got hired in April. Everything's been doing fine so far. I mean, the pay is the highest I've ever been paid despite still not being very much. I've had a hiccup with a coworker that complains a lot but overall it's harmless. I thought sure, if it's like this, perhaps I can stay here for a while. After what just happened, though, I'm not sure. So there's a temp attorney that was here for two months. My supervisor set up a farewell lunch for them, and tomorrow was supposed to be a happy hour. However I checked past emails and she…

On my throwaway because I could be overreacting.. but this didn't make me feel good.

So I work at a law firm in the south. Their last receptionist was here sometime last year in August and evidently they left and they needed to hire a new one, me. I got hired in April.

Everything's been doing fine so far. I mean, the pay is the highest I've ever been paid despite still not being very much. I've had a hiccup with a coworker that complains a lot but overall it's harmless. I thought sure, if it's like this, perhaps I can stay here for a while.

After what just happened, though, I'm not sure.
So there's a temp attorney that was here for two months. My supervisor set up a farewell lunch for them, and tomorrow was supposed to be a happy hour. However I checked past emails and she did say that there would be no happy hour. I confirmed with her through text, and she still said no. I don't do things without making absolutely sure.

So I sent a courtesy email to remind everyone we would just be having a luncheon, no happy hour on Friday. (Yes it's during work hours, I don't care what people do after).
Seconds later I get a teeth gritting call from one of the attorneys, audibly mad that I send that email. I'm trying to put it behind me but I heard words such as “That's not your call” “who told you to send that email” “that's not correct” and he kept questioning why I thought it was okay to send such an email. I'm sensitive so I'm holding back it all to say that I spoke directly with Theresa, my supervisor, also per past emails, that there wouldn't be a during-office-hours happy hour.

He then told me to send another email, and tried to backtrack him being a douche to me by saying “don't fall on your sword”, and to send the follow up to “save face”.

I'm not embarrassed, bucko. I don't read minds.

Again, if its a thing for attorneys only(which he specified), that's fine. If it's after the workday, that's fine. I don't care what you do. But I can't read minds. I follow what my supervisor says. He again has never ONCE emailed me saying that they would be planning a happy hour not during work hours.

Be a grown man and tell me what your planning next time and don't get your pants twisted when I send an email.

I don't know. Again, I'm probably being sensitive about it. I can't give inflection and tone through the screen but he was blaming me, and he was angry about it.

People wonder why I job hop. It's not just because of pay. It's because of crap work environments, and a LOT of work environments are crap. People who interview and hire don't seem to grasp the fact that very few people are happy in their work environments, and that's why people job hop.

I also do have autism, one of the few autistics who work. I'm good at my job but it's at times like this where I just wanna shut down but then everyone will think that I'm the problem. Hope I can smile enough for the luncheon, I guess.

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