
Gave my two weeks and my boss cried…am I being dramatic about this exchange?!

So today I gave my two weeks notice and made my boss cry. He didn’t cry initially, but did a few hours later. Not sure if this is even the right place to talk about this but I gotta vent and know if any of this is normal or if I’m being dramatic in my evaluation of it all. I was quitting bc he makes my work life miserable by never contributing which makes all the work fall on to me. I’ve worked with him for 6 years total with a gap between when I switched departments once. I loved that manager and only switched back to this dept once she left. I’m going to work for that former manager at a new company. He knows she has always been my favorite boss and would constantly ask me who my favorite was for a while after I returned. He told…

So today I gave my two weeks notice and made my boss cry. He didn’t cry initially, but did a few hours later. Not sure if this is even the right place to talk about this but I gotta vent and know if any of this is normal or if I’m being dramatic in my evaluation of it all.

I was quitting bc he makes my work life miserable by never contributing which makes all the work fall on to me. I’ve worked with him for 6 years total with a gap between when I switched departments once. I loved that manager and only switched back to this dept once she left. I’m going to work for that former manager at a new company. He knows she has always been my favorite boss and would constantly ask me who my favorite was for a while after I returned.

He told me he wasn’t surprised I was leaving and anticipated this bc I had hinted pretty heavily. He then told me it’ll be interesting to see how I like my new job bc he thinks it’ll be a temporary step for me and he thinks I won’t like it as much after I really get into the workload. He then told me that he was mad at me six months ago when I didn’t tell him my employee was leaving before she gave her notice. He said that it hurt him bc he thought we were closer and trusted each other more, even though I explained to him that I swore to my employee I would tell no one including him. Our company was doing lay offs and she was worried my boss would tell higher ups before she secured a position which I agreed.

Then he started to cry a bit and told me I’m like a daughter to him and he has always been looking out for me and just wants me to be happy and secure. He told me that he “saved” me from my previous job (which had the worst management once my other manager left).

I was honestly so shocked I didn’t know what to say, I apologized for him feeling bad and told him it’s nothing personal but I wasn’t going to go against my employees wishes ab her news. I told him we’d keep in touch but honestly the whole thing makes me feel gross….it all seems so manipulative the more I think about it.

It really feels like this is all about him and his own desire to feel needed. Which kind of weirds me out. He knows I’m going to work for my favorite boss and that makes him feel insecure that I chose her over him so he’s trying to make me doubt my new gig. Then he tried to make me feel guilty for something from six months ago, furthering that guilt trip by telling me I’m like his daughter and reminding me that he “saved” me. He also told me he’d always be a reference but that he probably wouldn’t try to get me to work for him again, making it seem like he’s the one ending our “relationship”.

Am I dramatic or does this all seem like an accurate analysis?!

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