
Gave same-day notice to a job that wouldn’t confirm if my contract would extend. Boss’s boss is heated, trying to require I work 2 more weeks.

Hi everyone, I recently gave same-day notice to a temp job in an industry where contractors or even employees could be laid off at any point. My contract said I'm an at will temp where I can give notice at any time and they can let me go at any time. The assignments I've been working on were put on hold due to changing business needs above my boss's head – and the last time that happened, I ended up getting let go and being out of work for a while, which is not ideal. I offered to my boss that I could be available an additional day (i.e. beyond the day of notice) and that I could be reachable for questions in the next couple of weeks to help with transitioning me out of my role. My boss told me I could say bye to the team that day…

Hi everyone, I recently gave same-day notice to a temp job in an industry where contractors or even employees could be laid off at any point. My contract said I'm an at will temp where I can give notice at any time and they can let me go at any time. The assignments I've been working on were put on hold due to changing business needs above my boss's head – and the last time that happened, I ended up getting let go and being out of work for a while, which is not ideal.

I offered to my boss that I could be available an additional day (i.e. beyond the day of notice) and that I could be reachable for questions in the next couple of weeks to help with transitioning me out of my role. My boss told me I could say bye to the team that day (the day I gave notice), which I did. Boss privately tried to get me to say where I'm going and how much they're paying me, which I did not share. Everyone on the team was really nice and I explained that it was a very hard decision to make and I wish I could've given more time but the new job needs me to start right away.

Then I find out that my boss's boss is apparently very upset that I didn't give “proper” notice and is trying to require that I be available for two more weeks, claiming that I'm leaving them in a bind (even though I've been actively wrapping things up, which my direct boss noted she appreciated during my resignation conversation). Boss's boss wants me to ask the new job to delay my start by two weeks…

Like WTAF. This is the same person who has the final say on whether or not my contract is extended. My boss told me early in my contract that she'd want me to become a full time employee, then backtracked after talking to her supervisor (i.e., the person I'm referring to as my boss's boss) that she wouldn't be able to extend until closer to contract end, and then backtracked again that she wouldn't be able to let me know about an extension until after the contract ends. imo waiting until the contract ends sounds to me like you were never going to extend me… But then boss said in front of the team that they would have extended me when my contract ended

So now I'm going back another day (doesn't conflict with new job, and is something I initially offered) to help with the transition. And I shared when I would be available for additional support (again, no conflicts). But I'm absolutely not risking this new job because of this current one that couldn't offer stability.

I have another job lined up that I'm very excited about, especially since it came at the perfect time.

What would you have done in my situation? Any suggestions for how to proceed?

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