

A general strike requires tight planning, strong leaders, and community solidarity. This is NOT something you can plan tonight and execute next week. A general strike must be planned and executed in stages, over a longer period of time. Here are some tips for what YOU can do to prepare. Buy a surplus of food. Beans, rice, ramen, water, etc. Anything you and your family might need to meet your nutritional requirements. Try to build up at least one months supply. If you can get more, some of your fellow workers might need your help. Buy a surplus of toiletries/other supplies Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. You’re going to be unpaid for awhile, make sure you can wipe your ass because we want people on our side. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TENT. Get to know your neighbors You might not be leading the strike, but you are…

A general strike requires tight planning, strong leaders, and community solidarity. This is NOT something you can plan tonight and execute next week. A general strike must be planned and executed in stages, over a longer period of time. Here are some tips for what YOU can do to prepare.

  • Buy a surplus of food.

Beans, rice, ramen, water, etc. Anything you and your family might need to meet your nutritional requirements. Try to build up at least one months supply. If you can get more, some of your fellow workers might need your help.

  • Buy a surplus of toiletries/other supplies

Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. You’re going to be unpaid for awhile, make sure you can wipe your ass because we want people on our side. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TENT.

  • Get to know your neighbors

You might not be leading the strike, but you are representing it. Get on good terms with your neighbors, do what you can to get them on our side, otherwise learn who your enemies will be on the battlefield. When things get hard you’re gonna need a place to sleep, make sure there is somewhere you’re welcome.

  • Plan for a summer strike

Let’s be real. If you rent, in a general strike you’re likely to lose your apartment depending on how prolonged the strike is. You might be sleeping outside, but stay strong, we need you. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TENT. If you have organized in your community someone should be prepared to let you camp on their property while you’re on strike.


There are gonna be scabs. There are gonna be cops. Be prepared to defend yourself and your fellows in line. Make sure you and your local strikers know exactly how you’re going to handle yourselves in this situation. You might be fighting someone you know. Never forget anyone who stands against you is okay with the violence you are currently enduring. Remember Blair Mountain.

  • A General Strike is a community effort

Make sure you’re organizing and give yourselves time to prepare. Having a solid plan will always trump the element of surprise. Make sure you have enough support to hold the line. Make sure to appoint leadership who has community support and make sure everyone knows and agrees to the plan.

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