
General Thoughts on a General Strike

We need a general strike, right? Like I'm not insane? We've got fascist demagogues running rampant throughout the states, a federal debt crisis constantly ongoing, student debt rapidly rising, credit card debt at it's highest level, housing prices unaffordable, constant inequality, a climate crisis, wages barely growing past inflation if that, a minimum wage that's not even enough for high schooler's to live off of, attacks against anyone who isn't a cis white male, not to mention the current geopolitical climate, etc. Look I'm not saying, ya know, set a date on the calendar and call it a day. I know this isn't the first post about this stuff, and it won't be the last. I am one of many that think that a general strike is the best way to begin to tackle some of these issues, and am interested in helping with the work necessary before anything could…

We need a general strike, right? Like I'm not insane? We've got fascist demagogues running rampant throughout the states, a federal debt crisis constantly ongoing, student debt rapidly rising, credit card debt at it's highest level, housing prices unaffordable, constant inequality, a climate crisis, wages barely growing past inflation if that, a minimum wage that's not even enough for high schooler's to live off of, attacks against anyone who isn't a cis white male, not to mention the current geopolitical climate, etc.

Look I'm not saying, ya know, set a date on the calendar and call it a day. I know this isn't the first post about this stuff, and it won't be the last. I am one of many that think that a general strike is the best way to begin to tackle some of these issues, and am interested in helping with the work necessary before anything could happen. You need money, you need a plan, you need achievable goals, you need to know the laws in place, you need a million things that none of us as individuals are prepared for.

But it's not impossible. Germany has a $100 million fund for strikers. France has shown that with enough organization you can strike and get results, and they don't even have a large general fund. We can't just continue on and hope that the same systems that got us into this mess can magically get us out of it, especially if the best we can muster is slight malicious compliance or trolling.

I'm not saying either that all of the issues above could be solved magically though a strike. All of them are unique, and require different organizations and individuals to make a plan on starting to solve many of them. I'm just a 25 year old grad student, downtrodden by the state of Florida, who really loves the planet, and I want to do my part to not just sit behind a computer and do something.

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