
Genuine question and maybe dumb but are you supportive of people who work long hours because they love what they do?

There's a meme/macro on this sub with the title “mass Stockholm syndrome” in response to someone being proud of grinding 80 hours. Maybe there was more to the image, but from what I saw, they weren't talking down to anyone else for working less and they weren't obviously bootlicking. Personally the only way I'd ever work 80 hours a week is if I wanted to and have done that plenty of times. There was a time when I'd look down on people for not being able to do that but came around a long time ago and support people who want to work 40 hours a week or less for a living wage. My hope would be that those people would be supportive of my decision to work however many hours I want, but I'm starting to wonder if this sub is against that. Am I misinterpreting something here? Apologies…

There's a meme/macro on this sub with the title “mass Stockholm syndrome” in response to someone being proud of grinding 80 hours. Maybe there was more to the image, but from what I saw, they weren't talking down to anyone else for working less and they weren't obviously bootlicking.

Personally the only way I'd ever work 80 hours a week is if I wanted to and have done that plenty of times. There was a time when I'd look down on people for not being able to do that but came around a long time ago and support people who want to work 40 hours a week or less for a living wage. My hope would be that those people would be supportive of my decision to work however many hours I want, but I'm starting to wonder if this sub is against that. Am I misinterpreting something here? Apologies if I come across negative or anything, I just want to know. Thank you.

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