
Getting slightly sick of my job.

Sales OP here and I’ve been working this job for about a year now. Company used to be great and super thoughtful about its employees. Lately, like, the last 2 months or so, they’ve thrown all employee care away. A little bit of info. I work 6 days a week every week. We work with pop up tents, so we’re responsible for getting to work early and being set up for the sign in time. This is normally fine but they’ve been getting progressively angrier with the people that are 2-5 minutes late signing in. On top of that, they’ve been holding meetings at 8-9AM that are mandatory. And yes, usually on Zoom, which is great, but we already have to be there early and get in shit for being a minute late so having them drag these meetings on until 9:30-10, we don’t have a lot of time. And…

Sales OP here and I’ve been working this job for about a year now. Company used to be great and super thoughtful about its employees.

Lately, like, the last 2 months or so, they’ve thrown all employee care away.

A little bit of info. I work 6 days a week every week. We work with pop up tents, so we’re responsible for getting to work early and being set up for the sign in time. This is normally fine but they’ve been getting progressively angrier with the people that are 2-5 minutes late signing in.
On top of that, they’ve been holding meetings at 8-9AM that are mandatory. And yes, usually on Zoom, which is great, but we already have to be there early and get in shit for being a minute late so having them drag these meetings on until 9:30-10, we don’t have a lot of time. And I’m not even mentioning getting yourself ready to be outside, dealing with customers all day.
I’m not usually late, but today I was. And honestly, I was rushing, trying to get there for the right time until I got the message from my boss. I didn’t sign in until 11:30 because I decided I’d take some time. I’m not respecting anyone if they can’t understand the simple concept of waking up late.

And then there’s the trip. For those not from here, the GTA is the Greater Toronto Area which includes Ajax, Pickering, Brampton, etc and it’s a pretty big area. How are you going to make it a mandatory trip that we have to pay for ourselves? I don’t like canadas wonderland and have no desire to go there. Why am I being forced to take the holiday and pay to go be with a bunch of people I don’t care for in a place I don’t like?

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