
Getting very tired of Company prices going up but my wage remaining the same

So I work at a vet hospital. I’ve worked here for a few years now. When I started working there, we were a family owned and operated clinic who charged extremely reasonable prices for vet care. Sometime about 2 years ago, the family sold the practice to a large corporate company who allowed the family to still essentially run the company the way they wanted, with a few exceptions. The biggest exception being our prices, they have had to go significantly up. We used to have one fee all around for exam prices, now we have 3. If you’re a new client, if it’s an urgent/same day appointment, our basic exam fee and our avian/exotic fee. Our new client fee and urgent care fee are double the cost of our baseline exam fee and they are very strict about enforcing it. I get this is pretty basic policy for most…

So I work at a vet hospital. I’ve worked here for a few years now. When I started working there, we were a family owned and operated clinic who charged extremely reasonable prices for vet care. Sometime about 2 years ago, the family sold the practice to a large corporate company who allowed the family to still essentially run the company the way they wanted, with a few exceptions. The biggest exception being our prices, they have had to go significantly up. We used to have one fee all around for exam prices, now we have 3. If you’re a new client, if it’s an urgent/same day appointment, our basic exam fee and our avian/exotic fee. Our new client fee and urgent care fee are double the cost of our baseline exam fee and they are very strict about enforcing it. I get this is pretty basic policy for most vet clinics but where I struggle with it is we are the ones that have been having to enforce these prices on clients that have been with us for years, and of course we are facing some back lash. Secondly, medication prices have doubled or sometimes tripled in price since the buyout. To ease some of the financial burden on our clients, we typically recommend trying online pharmacies that are cheaper. Here’s the most frustrating part: We started our own new online pharmacy and we essentially punish clients who don’t want to use it. We will only send out 3rd party pharmacy requests (approved or denied) on Fridays. Meaning that if you put a request in on a Saturday, you will have to wait until Friday to even hear it you’re going to get it. We were told that if we push our pharmacy on our clients, our company would get compensated and therefore they can start giving out raises. Since this has been implemented, I have only seen one .35 cent raise. Our workload has doubled, our clients are angry all the time, and our prices are basically comparable to E-clinic cost. I’m just wondering where all this money is going, because I only make $3 above minimum wage while In n Out and McDonalds are paying $18 an hour. It’s incredibly frustrating to be on the burner for enforcing all these new changes and helping our company double our profits and not seeing an return. The only people willing to apply anymore are 16 year olds who have no right to be working a job with the responsibility we have to have. How do I go about expressing my frustration and hopefully seeing atleast a small pay increae? I love my job and don’t want to leave it. I’ve grown very attached to the clients, patients, doctors and coworkers we have. But this is getting ridiculous.

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