
Giving honest feedback to recruiter

Had a call back from a recruitment agency today asking for feedback on the hiring process of one of their clients after I turned down a face to face interview, apparently the company is struggling to get candidates in even for interviews, let alone to fill the roles they need. Now, because I had already accepted a new position elsewhere I kinda took the gloves off for some REAL feedback, some of my favourite highlights: pointing out that having a telephone questionnaire, then a “psychometric test' puts 2 barriers between candidates and the employer, and slows the process to a crawl, by the time they got back to me after the “test” I'd had 3 face to face interviews and accepted a role. Clearly the hiring company does not value candidates time. “Psychometric testing” (48 pages with 3 questions a page…)is pseudoscience BS, example, I didn't read any questions and…

Had a call back from a recruitment agency today asking for feedback on the hiring process of one of their clients after I turned down a face to face interview, apparently the company is struggling to get candidates in even for interviews, let alone to fill the roles they need.
Now, because I had already accepted a new position elsewhere I kinda took the gloves off for some REAL feedback, some of my favourite highlights:

  • pointing out that having a telephone questionnaire, then a “psychometric test' puts 2 barriers between candidates and the employer, and slows the process to a crawl, by the time they got back to me after the “test” I'd had 3 face to face interviews and accepted a role. Clearly the hiring company does not value candidates time.

  • “Psychometric testing” (48 pages with 3 questions a page…)is pseudoscience BS, example, I didn't read any questions and just answered down the middle for everything and you still want to see me. Plus they are easily manipulated by anyone with basic reading comprehension.

  • that people in my industry talk… and that anyone who knows the hiring company has advised to run the other direction, that they have an awful reputation for treating their staff and clients, not to mention they have poached clients from my previous employers.

  • The recruiter tried to use the companies turnover to prove they can't be that bad “as numbers don't lie”, to which i responded, well that doesn't prove anything, look at amazon, biggest company on the planet, notorious for treating its staff as slaves to maintain that market position – the fact they can't hire anyone speaks more than any figures.

He then had the gall to offer me a face to face with the managing director of the company to fast track my application, to which I laughed and declined, saying that I'm not interested in meeting them, I don't care how interested you say they are in me, this process and this phone call have left a bad taste in my mouth and I don't see my morales and values aligning with the company in any way what so ever.

Why do these small companies try and act like massive corporate entities and then act all surprised when people aren't interested? Slimline your hiring process, stop stealing clients, and treat your candidates/staff like people with lives and not just resources.

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