
Glassdoor advice needed

I’d been working for a company for a little less than a year when I found out by accident that they were trying to replace me. This was obviously a huge fuck up on their end and they apologized. Because I think they felt bad and knew it was not a good look, they let me stay a little over a month until they found someone new. I needed the money and refused to quit so I worked through the month but it was miserable because they handled it so unprofessionally and I was receiving contradicting reasoning from the higher ups. I hadn’t received any negative feedback but I knew the decision was coming from my boss who never liked me. She put me on a PIP 3 months into the job and never gave me any sort of positive feedback, despite being well-liked and appreciated by the company. I…

I’d been working for a company for a little less than a year when I found out by accident that they were trying to replace me. This was obviously a huge fuck up on their end and they apologized. Because I think they felt bad and knew it was not a good look, they let me stay a little over a month until they found someone new. I needed the money and refused to quit so I worked through the month but it was miserable because they handled it so unprofessionally and I was receiving contradicting reasoning from the higher ups. I hadn’t received any negative feedback but I knew the decision was coming from my boss who never liked me. She put me on a PIP 3 months into the job and never gave me any sort of positive feedback, despite being well-liked and appreciated by the company. I thought it had sort of blown over because, like I said, I continued on another 6/7 months and felt confident in my abilities.

It felt super under-handed and slimy and this was validated by my fellow peers who were just as grossed out as me. I never even received any sort of words from my manager, even on my last day which came off so cowardly to me. I’m working through the motions of it but it’s taken it’s toll stress-wise. I want to write a Glassdoor review but don’t want to come off bitter and like a disgruntled employee so it can be taken seriously because what they did was fucked. It highlighted some crazy dysfunction at this company to me and others. Any advice?

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