
Glassdoor isn’t your friend, they’re in the pocket of the companies

This is half rant, but also important for you to know. Do not trust Glassdoor. They hide negative reviews, and when the company asks them, delete negative reviews. They'll delete your review without as much as an email to let you know, so you don't fight it. Beyond corrupt. Story time: A few years ago I worked at a startup. This company had some of the most intelligent, experienced and positive people I've ever met. It also had the most narcissistic CEO I've ever met. Man breastfed off daddy's money and thought he was infallible. When I joined he boasted about the fact that the board asked him to step down…so he fired them because they didn't know what they were talking about. During my time there I was part of a cultural council, so other than hearing grumbles around the office I saw the literal data on how things…

This is half rant, but also important for you to know. Do not trust Glassdoor. They hide negative reviews, and when the company asks them, delete negative reviews. They'll delete your review without as much as an email to let you know, so you don't fight it. Beyond corrupt.

Story time:

A few years ago I worked at a startup. This company had some of the most intelligent, experienced and positive people I've ever met. It also had the most narcissistic CEO I've ever met. Man breastfed off daddy's money and thought he was infallible. When I joined he boasted about the fact that the board asked him to step down…so he fired them because they didn't know what they were talking about.

During my time there I was part of a cultural council, so other than hearing grumbles around the office I saw the literal data on how things were going. Hell, I was the one that gathered some of that data. Attrition rate at this place was in the mid to high nineties, dozens of % higher than the average for the field despite the CEOs claims.

The CEO bullied people openly, including screaming, threatening to fire without grounds (illegal in my country), openly mocking people in meetings, etc. He overruled decisions made by the cultural council, or even by software engineers in their own teams, because he felt he knew better.

He praised people who stayed late, enforced mandatory 8:30am Monday morning meetings (that if you were even 30s late to, you had to do the walk of shame to your desk. You weren't allowed to join the meeting).

He didn't like me, likely because I told him the truth..despite him telling everyone that being forthright and frank, even with him, was the best thing for the business. I guess that only extended to opinions that he agreed with. Because he didn't like me he stifled a pay rise and a promotion. My team valuated me at an 8 or 9/10. He CEO'd that number down to a 5 and gave me no pay rise.

So I left, in the middle of the pandemic. I wrote a carefully written review that followed all of Glassdoors rules, while pointing out every flaw with this company. I included positive things, mainly the people I worked with. I gave kudos to the CEO for being able to hire great people, he at least had that going for him.

That review was the most highly rated review for the company, by far. Dozens of people gave it a +1, where other reviews had at most 3 at the time. Despite that when sorting by “popular” it didn't show at the top. I contacted support about this they said that popular isn't driven by people +1ing what is popular driven by. That makes no sense. My review was never at the top despite being the most viewed and the most interacted with.

Fast forward a couple of years and I decided to see how my review was doing… and it's gone. Just missing. I thought maybe I'd missed some takedown request because I don't check that email address often, but no. Nothing in my email about it, they just quietly took it down, likely at the request of the narcissist CEO.

So there you have it, don't trust glassdoor. They pretend they're there for you but they're not.

“Glassdoor” my ass.

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