
Go be your own boss. (Rant)

I became my own boss at 27 years old and I'll never go back. I worked as a construction laborer, I was a server and bartender, then I learned how to clean windows from an old timer and he offered to sell me his route since he was retiring. For 7 years I owned a window cleaning business, no employees, just me and a squeegee. I worked about 20 hours a week behind the squeegee with a couple office hours and supported my wife and two kids. Honestly, I was making $100-$150 per hour when the squeegee was in hand. Damn good money. We decided to sell the business and move to another state for family reasons. Also, I was bored with window cleaning, I had mastered it and was crushing audiobooks in two days. In the new state I started a handyman/remodeling business. At a year in, its had…

I became my own boss at 27 years old and I'll never go back. I worked as a construction laborer, I was a server and bartender, then I learned how to clean windows from an old timer and he offered to sell me his route since he was retiring. For 7 years I owned a window cleaning business, no employees, just me and a squeegee. I worked about 20 hours a week behind the squeegee with a couple office hours and supported my wife and two kids. Honestly, I was making $100-$150 per hour when the squeegee was in hand. Damn good money.

We decided to sell the business and move to another state for family reasons. Also, I was bored with window cleaning, I had mastered it and was crushing audiobooks in two days. In the new state I started a handyman/remodeling business. At a year in, its had its ups and downs, I'm probably making 70% of the money as the window cleaning biz and working almost 40 hours a week. But I'm paying the bills.

Most importantly I'M MY OWN FUCKING BOSS. These are the most beautiful words to my ears. I know everyone is different some careers require being employed by the machine but I really wish everyone could experience this freedom. I have a family camping trip planned next month, for a week, and i didn't have to run it by anyone. The following month I'm meeting up with buddies to go backpacking. Again, no permission needed.

I love being self employed and I'll never go back. I tried, I lasted 3 weeks until promises were not met and I bailed. If you have a skill or trade, anything, start a side hustle before you know it, you might be making enough to quit that soul sucking corporate gig.

Is it scary? YES! I have slow months but I hustle up some jobs and it comes back. I'm telling you all, the quality of life is amazing when you don't answer to the man.

Does it suck sometimes? Absolutely! When I'm chipping up old tile or sanding drywall mud it can feel physically draining but there is a beauty to the simplicity of working with your hands. You can see the progress daily. Whats the alternative? I think the monotony of an office job just might kill me.

I think one of America's biggest mistakes is telling kids to go to college and shitting on the trades. Of course the trades aren't for everyone, let the brainy peeps do computer stuff, but there are a ton of kids who got 4 year degrees, a bazillion dollars of debt, and maybe would be more happy welding.

I don't know. I'm happy being self employed and the biggest part that makes me happy is the freedom.

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