
Good leadership: make people figure out how to execute your ridiculous ideas, then take all the credit

As a manager, I'm required to take these periodic management training seminars. The last one I took was about how to “be an effective leader.” The speaker spent most the seminar talking about how great a leader Steve Jobs was because when he came up with the idea of the iPhone, everyone on his team thought what he wanted couldn't be done. But he made them do it anyway and it became a huge success. So I'm sitting there thinking, ok, I'm a good leader if I come up with some crazy idea that no one thinks is possible, then instead of figuring out how to do it, I make my employees figure it out, and when they finally do figure out how to do it, I take all the credit because it was “my idea.” That's really what companies think is a good leader? I'm so done with this…

As a manager, I'm required to take these periodic management training seminars. The last one I took was about how to “be an effective leader.” The speaker spent most the seminar talking about how great a leader Steve Jobs was because when he came up with the idea of the iPhone, everyone on his team thought what he wanted couldn't be done. But he made them do it anyway and it became a huge success. So I'm sitting there thinking, ok, I'm a good leader if I come up with some crazy idea that no one thinks is possible, then instead of figuring out how to do it, I make my employees figure it out, and when they finally do figure out how to do it, I take all the credit because it was “my idea.” That's really what companies think is a good leader? I'm so done with this shit.

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