
Google CEO Pichai tells employees not to ‘equate fun with money’

Google CEO Sundar Pichai spent much of this week’s all-hands meeting addressing employee concerns about company cost-cutting measures. Pichai, who expressed some annoyance during the meeting, said, “I remember when Google was small and scrappy,” and added that, “We shouldn’t always equate fun with money.” Google’s finance head told employees to temper their expectations for holiday parties. Google CEO Pichai fields questions on cost cuts at all-hands meeting (

  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai spent much of this week’s all-hands meeting addressing employee concerns about company cost-cutting measures.
  • Pichai, who expressed some annoyance during the meeting, said, “I remember when Google was small and scrappy,” and added that, “We shouldn’t always equate fun with money.”
  • Google’s finance head told employees to temper their expectations for holiday parties.

    Google CEO Pichai fields questions on cost cuts at all-hands meeting (

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