
Got asked if I wanted overtime during a “no overtime” push from the company due to cost savings. I need/want it BUT I don’t want to get in trouble working it because of someone else. Do I do the right thing and refuse it OR say “yes” anyway and take the risk?

For context, I work a rotating swing shift. Currently I am on day 6 of 7 midnights and we need coverage Thursday/Friday due to vacation scheduled by another coworker. There are 5 of us total. We do not have an alternate to cover. One guy is on his five days off, while the other 3 are working their shifts. If someone takes off, that means someone is either coming in on an off-day, which are rare with swing shift. (7D,2O,5A,5O,7N,2O…repeat. Wkdays are 8hr and weekends are 12s) OR someone is working a 16hr shift. Now, for me, if I work the days needing coverage, I will get a double-time day and will have collectively worked 140hrs straight. The only real saving grace is that I have training classes three days next week that I have to leave work for and will be able to go home immediately after BUT still…

For context, I work a rotating swing shift. Currently I am on day 6 of 7 midnights and we need coverage Thursday/Friday due to vacation scheduled by another coworker. There are 5 of us total. We do not have an alternate to cover. One guy is on his five days off, while the other 3 are working their shifts. If someone takes off, that means someone is either coming in on an off-day, which are rare with swing shift. (7D,2O,5A,5O,7N,2O…repeat. Wkdays are 8hr and weekends are 12s) OR someone is working a 16hr shift. Now, for me, if I work the days needing coverage, I will get a double-time day and will have collectively worked 140hrs straight. The only real saving grace is that I have training classes three days next week that I have to leave work for and will be able to go home immediately after BUT still it's a long stretch. It also means I work a 16hr shift tomorrow night and an 8hr day shift on Friday. (The days needed are day shifts) So I just have to hope I can shift my sleep schedule abruptly enough to work that no problem.

Now to the issue at hand, two months ago, we were told that there was to be NO OVERTIME issued due to finances. We were directed to use our advisor as a “alternate” to fill days off. However, this goes against union contract and nobody filed a grievance. They also were “chill” about it. So conversation came up about trying to fill the overtime by said person under the impression “the company isn't really paying attention to it. We're simply doing our jobs.” I could really use the money, but I am so borderline about it knowing I could get in trouble if I said “yes” to working it. Especially when they said someone else was supposed to fill it. Said person also stated, “If it can't be filled, I'll take it regardless.” I think they just don't want to work the shift. (Day shift is from 5a-1pm)

I told my coworker I would let him know shortly. I'm waiting for my wife to wake up and see if we're doing anything those days or not and then I can respond. Usually, I'm money hungry, but not when I am overworked and have to swap my schedule on a dime.

Thanks for the help y'all.

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