
Got Betrayed By My Fellow Crew For Telling Jokes They Said They Were Ok With

Okay so I used to work for an auto auction company as a Lot Driver for about 6-8 weeks just as spring 2023 was ending. I would ride around the auction lot on a golf cart with a crew of 4-5 (depending on the day) other drivers, which included a Crew Leader driving the golf cart, telling us where to move cars, etc in the midst of rising (sometimes triple digit) temperatures. One particular day, one of my fellow crew members made a joke, we all laughed, to which I stated I had a whole list of jokes for them, I told them exactly what they were about (9/11, Hitler, You Get The Idea), and that they were extremely dark and would everybody be ok with me telling them. To which they ALL said they wouldn't be offended and to go ahead. So I made my jokes, everybody laughing their…

Okay so I used to work for an auto auction company as a Lot Driver for about 6-8 weeks just as spring 2023 was ending. I would ride around the auction lot on a golf cart with a crew of 4-5 (depending on the day) other drivers, which included a Crew Leader driving the golf cart, telling us where to move cars, etc in the midst of rising (sometimes triple digit) temperatures.

One particular day, one of my fellow crew members made a joke, we all laughed, to which I stated I had a whole list of jokes for them, I told them exactly what they were about (9/11, Hitler, You Get The Idea), and that they were extremely dark and would everybody be ok with me telling them. To which they ALL said they wouldn't be offended and to go ahead. So I made my jokes, everybody laughing their ass off, some of the crew even told more jokes/made funny remarks about other crews. I thought everything was fine and there wouldn't be any problems, seeing as I had been told I could tell my jokes and everything no problem. This was on a Friday (my work week was Tuesday-Saturday).

That following Tuesday, my Supervisor and the Manager call me up to the office, stating they were told I had been making NSFW/Inappropriate Jokes. I explained myself and what had transpired/given a written statement, to which I was told in essence that they didn't care, that the 4 crew members who reported me all gave them a statement saying I was telling jokes, that they told me to stop, but never once did they tell me to stop under any circumstances. This led to my badge being confiscated, me being walked out and put on paid suspension while HR was investigating. I came back to work 3 days later with a final written warning, and no chance of promoting or transferring for at least 6 months.

The fact I was also still supposed to ride with the same crew that ratted me out when I came back, along with the rising temperatures and lack of support from anyone, made the environment unbearable. I was offered a position with a company I used to work for at one of their corporate offices working half in office and half remote, but I did not tell anybody at the auction. I let the process go through, background check, drug test, etc while waiting for a start date. Once I got all that, I burned all of my PTO (I had enough for a full week surprisingly), took a week off, moved out of state for my new job, emailed the supervisor and manager that I quit and would not be returning due to how I was treated. I've been happy ever since.

TLDR: I got ratted out by my crew for telling Offensive and NSFW jokes they said I could tell, which in turn got me suspended and investigated by HR. I got a final write up when I came back, but I soon got offered a way better and higher paying job, and ditched the auction.

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