
Got fired a week after my notice. Possibly robbed too.

I’ve been having panic attacks all day over this, but months ago I told management that I was going back to school since I don’t like the current field I am in. So they know that I was going to leave…eventually. I gave my notice a week ago today. Fast forward to this morning my manager tells me he wants to have a word and we go into his office where he goes “I think we’d just cut ties here” aka I got fired. I regret this so much but in the heat of the moment I was furious and was trying to leave his presence while he slides over this paper titled “Separation Form” and I signed off on it and left to get my things packed. It wasn’t till I cooled down where I went to our sole HR lady and ask for a copy. I signed off…

I’ve been having panic attacks all day over this, but months ago I told management that I was going back to school since I don’t like the current field I am in. So they know that I was going to leave…eventually. I gave my notice a week ago today. Fast forward to this morning my manager tells me he wants to have a word and we go into his office where he goes “I think we’d just cut ties here” aka I got fired. I regret this so much but in the heat of the moment I was furious and was trying to leave his presence while he slides over this paper titled “Separation Form” and I signed off on it and left to get my things packed. It wasn’t till I cooled down where I went to our sole HR lady and ask for a copy. I signed off on this separation form as voluntarily resigning. Not as being terminated. Meaning I will not get unemployment. I start my new position next Monday.

To take things further I asked how my holiday savings within the company system was going to be paid out and he tells me by check via mail but after they deduct “missing items like uniforms”. I look at the form again and it only states uniforms. I feel like he’s trying to fuck me and drain as much as he can out of my check. So I texted him back stating that it’s not per our agreement and that if any other deductions come out that I will be seeking a lawyer. I’ve been having non stop panic attacks all day because it’s horrible how sociopathic people can be. I’ve GIVEN you months notice about me leaving and then I GAVE you a 2 weeks notice only for you to play me like this. I’m in shambles right now. I’m about to become a father and that’s already stressful enough and yet he’s here trying to continuously fuck me with a smile on his face.

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