
Got fired for being sick, guess they wanted me to prepare food with the flu?

I got the flu about a month after starting at a new job. I worked in a small space with my coworkers and customers preparing food. I was sick enough that I figured I'd call in so no one else caught it. The next day I came in to learn that I was fired (Manager didn't even warn me about my imminent loss of employment when I called). I guess I should have just come to work with the flu. I'm sure the customers would have loved being served food by someone who couldn't get through a sentence without a coughing fit or almost passing out. However, I have suspicions my sickness was just the easiest reason they could find to fire me, as I was not super friendly with the owners and they had told me not being their friend made it easier for them to let me go…

I got the flu about a month after starting at a new job. I worked in a small space with my coworkers and customers preparing food. I was sick enough that I figured I'd call in so no one else caught it. The next day I came in to learn that I was fired (Manager didn't even warn me about my imminent loss of employment when I called). I guess I should have just come to work with the flu. I'm sure the customers would have loved being served food by someone who couldn't get through a sentence without a coughing fit or almost passing out. However, I have suspicions my sickness was just the easiest reason they could find to fire me, as I was not super friendly with the owners and they had told me not being their friend made it easier for them to let me go less than a week before I was fired. Just a little suspicious.

This place has had an urgently hiring sign in front of it for months now, but can't figure out why they can't keep workers. In a team of less than 20 people, I wasn't even the first person they had fired that month with some bullshit reason (last guy got fired because he “had attitude” with the owner). I really can't possibly think of a reason they might be short staffed. It's a mystery to be sure.

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